
"; $pageTitle = "Unknown - There was a problem"; $cms_access = "cms_other"; $menu = ""; } // Start Page Specific Variables and Functions require_once($path . 'common/php/recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = "6LczGbsSAAAAAKKbX3xSN_bHU68aNcYJQ2IteAlO"; $formdata = $_POST["submitted"] == "yes" ? processFormAutoreply($link, $path, false) : array(); $name = $_POST["name"]; $contact = $_POST["contact"]; $anonymous = $_POST["anonymous"]; $notify = $_POST["notify"]; $message = $_POST["message"]; if ($anonymous == true) { $checked = " checked"; $display_note = "block"; $display_contact = "none"; $required = "message_body,recaptcha_challenge_field"; } else { $checked = ""; $display_note = "none"; $display_contact = "block"; $required = "message_body,recaptcha_challenge_field,contact"; } // End Page Specific Variables and Functions // Start CMS Variables and Functions $userid = ValidateCMSLogin($link, "none"); $tinyMCE_Script = $userid == 0 ? "" : ""; //End CMS Variables and Functions ?> GSGLA : <?php echo $pageTitle; ?>
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