
"; $pageTitle = "Unknown - There was a problem"; $cms_access = "cms_other"; $menu = ""; } // Start Page Specific Variables and Functions require_once($path . 'common/php/recaptchalib.php'); $publickey = "6LczGbsSAAAAAKKbX3xSN_bHU68aNcYJQ2IteAlO"; $formdata = $_POST["submitted"] == "yes" ? processMMForm($path) : array(); $recipient_query = "SELECT email FROM gs_recipients WHERE category_id = 275"; $recipient_result = executeSQLStatement($link, $recipient_query, array(), false); if(!$recipient_result) { $recipient = "communications@girlscoutsla.org"; } else { $recipient_row = $recipient_result['result']->fetch(); $recipient = $recipient_row[0]; } // End Page Specific Variables and Functions // Start CMS Variables and Functions $userid = ValidateCMSLogin($link, "none"); $tinyMCE_Script = $userid == 0 ? "" : ""; //End CMS Variables and Functions ?> GSGLA : <?php echo $pageTitle; ?>
Your Name: *
Your Email: *
(You will receive a copy of this submission for your records)
Alt Phone:
Troop Number:
Grade Level:
Service Unit:
Troop Leader(s):
# Girls in Troop:
(If submitting as an individual, list a parent/guardian name, and 1 for # girls)
Share your troop news: *
350 Characters Left
Are any girls comfortable speaking in public or doing an interview with the media?
Share a Photo:
(Must be .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, or .png file under 1MB. If your image cannot conform to these requirements, please email separately to communications@girlscoutsla.org)
Link to a Photo (enter a URL):

array(), "error" => array()); // Fill array with submitted values: foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { $formdata["value"][$key] = $value; } // Load reCAPTCHA response into appropriate array field $formdata["value"]["recaptcha_challenge_field"] = $resp; // Check required fields: $required = $_POST["required"]; $required_fields = explode(",", $required); $error_count = 0; foreach ($required_fields as $field) { $value = $_POST[$field]; if (empty($value) || ($value == "")) { $formdata["error"][$field] = "required"; $error_count++; } if ($captcha == true) { if ($field == "recaptcha_challenge_field" && !$resp->is_valid) { $formdata["error"]["recaptcha_challenge_field"] = "The words above were not entered correctly. Please try again."; $error_count++; } } } // If there are no errors so far, upload the image if ($error_count == 0) { // Upload Image Process $img_file_type = array("image/jpeg", "image/pjpeg", "image/gif", "image/png"); $img_file_size = 1048576; $image_result = UploadFile($link, $img_file_type, $img_file_size, "image_upload", "/home/girlscou/public_html/images/troop_news/", false); $formdata["value"]["image_upload"] = $image_result[2]; if($image_result[0] == 2) { foreach($image_result[1] AS $img_error){ $formdata["error"]["image_upload"] .= $img_error . " | "; } $error_count++; } } if ($error_count > 0) { $formdata["error"]["message"] = "

There are problems with your submission, please see specifics in red below.

"; } // If there are no errors, email the form data to the recipient if ($error_count == 0) { $redirect = $_POST["redirect"]; $notify = $_POST["notify"] . "," . $_POST["email"]; $subject = $_POST["subject"]; $email_content = ""; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { // Skip special fields: if ($key != "required" && $key != "redirect" && $key != "notify" && $key != "subject" && $key != "submitform" && $key != "recaptcha_challenge_field" && $key != "recaptcha_response_field" && $key != "pass_through") { // Handle other special fields: if ($key == "us_state") { if ($_POST["country_list"] == "USA") { $email_content .= ""; } } else if ($key == "canadian_province") { if ($_POST["country_list"] == "Canada") { $email_content .= ""; } } else if ($key == "province") { if (($_POST["country_list"] != "USA") && ($_POST["country_list"] == "Canada")) { $email_content .= ""; } } else if ($key == "country") { if ($_POST["country_list"] == "") { $email_content .= ""; } } else if ($key == "country_list") { if ($_POST["country_list"] != "") { $email_content .= ""; } } else { $email_content .= ""; } } } if($image_result[0] == 1) { $email_content .= ""; } $email_content .= "
" . normalizeFieldName($key) . ":$value
Image URL:" . $image_result[2] . "
"; $send = sendEmail($email_content, $FROM_EMAIL, $notify, $subject); if ($send == true) { $get_variables = ""; if ($_POST["pass_through"] != null || $_POST["pass_through"] != "") { $get_variables = "?pass_through=" . urlencode(strip_tags($_POST[$_POST["pass_through"]])); } GoToLocation("$redirect$get_variables"); exit; } else { $formdata["error"]["send"] = $send; return $formdata; } } else { $formdata["error"]["message"] = "

There are problems with your submission, please see specifics in red below.

"; } return $formdata; } $link = null; ?>